Verse 5-1, Verse 5-2

अर्जुन उवाच |

संन्यासं कर्मणां कृष्ण पुनर्योगं च शंससि |

यच्छ्रेय एतयोरेकं तन्मे ब्रूहि सुनिश्चितम् || 1 ||

श्रीभगवानुवाच |

संन्यास: कर्मयोगश्च नि:श्रेयसकरावुभौ |

तयोस्तु कर्मसंन्यासात्कर्मयोगो विशिष्यते || 2 ||

Arjuna said, “O Krishna, you speak of renunciation of actions; at the same time, you advise to perform actions. Of these two, which is the better path? Please tell me”.

Lord Krishna said, “The supreme goal can be found by both renunciation (Karma Sannyas) and performance of action (Karma Yoga). But of these two, performance of actions is better than renunciation”

Arjuna, the earnest disciple, is devotionally asking the Lord to clarify the right path to choose. Karma Yoga is the path of performing actions living in and for the world. Karma Sannyas is complete withdrawal from material existence to a secluded place to pursue God-contact without any interaction with the society. Lord Krishna clarifies that although both lead to the supreme goal, the path of performing actions (Karma Yoga) by living within the society is definitely superior.
It is very rare for saints to live in total isolation. God would have sent them to another galaxy in His vast universe if there was no requirement for human interaction by such saints. God wishes that saints seek Him but at the same time, interact with people in the society to uplift them. Lord Krishna asserts that staying within the society and seeking God (Karma Yoga) is far superior than seeking in isolation (Karma Sannyas).
Rare saints who remain in isolation are also required to actively send positive vibrations and guide those who seek God’s help. History shows that there were warrior saints who fought for independence and there were also silent saints who just exuded peace by their mere presence. Every generation comes across a person who is seen as strange, inspiring, odd, eccentric, incredible, inconspicuous, rebellious, or even crazy. It is in one of these categories of people that you will find a true saint. True saints silently work to unite with God and actively work to uplift humanity.