Verse 10-15

स्वयमेवात्मनात्मानं वेत्थ त्वं पुरुषोत्तम |

भूतभावन भूतेश देवदेव जगत्पते || 15 ||

You Yourself, O Supreme Person, know Yourself by Your own Self. O Source of all beings, O Lord of the universe, O God of gods.”

Arjuna addresses Lord Krishna with various divine epithets and acknowledges His supreme position and knowledge. Arjuna recognizes that the Lord has complete self-awareness and understanding of His own divine nature. He refers to Lord Krishna as “Purushottama,” which means the Supreme Person or the Supreme Soul.


Arjuna further addresses the Lord as “Bhutabhavana,” meaning the Source or Creator of all beings, and “Bhutesha,” meaning the Lord of all beings. This indicates Lord Krishna’s role as the originator and sustainer of the universe and His absolute sovereignty over all creation.


By stating “Devadeva,” Arjuna acknowledges that Lord Krishna is the God of all gods, surpassing all other divine beings in his supremacy and power. It highlights the Lord’s transcendence and His position as the ultimate deity worshiped by all.


This verse reflects Arjuna’s reverence and recognition of Lord Krishna’s divine attributes. Arjuna acknowledges that the Lord possesses complete self-knowledge and understanding of His own divine nature. The term “Atmanam” refers to the self, emphasizing the Lord’s self-awareness and self-realization.


Arjuna’s words convey his deep respect for the Lord’s omniscience and omnipotence. It signifies his understanding that Lord Krishna is not just a mortal being or an ordinary deity but the ultimate reality, the supreme consciousness that pervades everything in the universe.


This verse reminds us of the Lord’s divine nature and His omniscient presence. It encourages us to recognize and seek the guidance of the Supreme Being, who possesses complete self-awareness and understanding. By acknowledging the Lord’s supreme position and knowledge, we can develop a deeper connection with the divine and gain spiritual insight and wisdom.