Verse 5-5

यत्साङ्ख्यै: प्राप्यते स्थानं तद्योगैरपि गम्यते |

एकं साङ्ख्यं च योगं च य: पश्यति स पश्यति || 5 ||

“The supreme state that is attained by means of Karma yoga is also attained by practicing Sankhya yoga. He sees the Truth who sees both paths as identical.”

Commentary: Sankhya yoga is the path of discrimination and transcendental wisdom. With only one single thought of God, the wisdom-guided yogi practices complete detachment from all other thoughts in the mind and cravings in the body. The Karma yogi also dives into activity completely with only one focus to please God who is the eternal Truth.

God has many manifestations and cannot be restricted to one form or quality in preference to another. He is the goal of Sankhya and Karma yoga – both Wisdom and Bliss. People follow different faiths although the blueprint of the human body, its origin and destination are all the same. All the paths, beliefs and faiths merge into One destination like rivers flowing into an ocean. God is the ocean in which all the paths of yoga merge.

Only the ignorant think of Karma yoga and Sankhya yoga as different. Yoga means union of ego with God and at the same it means dissolution of ego in God. One may say that water becomes sweet when sugar unites with it. Another may say water becomes sweet when sugar dissolves in it but both mean the same. Working extensively with the body and mind for humanity, Karma yogi dissolves karma and unites with God. Practicing the wisdom-guided yoga to Samādhi, Sankhya yogi unites with God and dissolves his karma. The sage who is established in even one divine state attains both states of divinity.