Verse 6-1

श्रीभगवानुवाच |

अनाश्रित: कर्मफलं कार्यं कर्म करोति य: |

स संन्यासी च योगी च न निरग्निर्न चाक्रिय: || 1 ||

“He is the true renunciant and a true yogi who performs material duties and spiritual actions without desiring their fruits – not he who does not perform any fire sacrifice and abandons action.”


Every person who works for the welfare of family and humanity without personal desires and with complete surrender to God is a Sannyasi or Renunciant. Nyās (न्यास) means to clean or purify. Sannyasi is one who is purifying his Chitta by surrendering to the Truth (सत + न्यास, Sat + Nyās). Personal desire is a wish that questions, ‘How can I alone benefit and enjoy?”.When the purpose of success, health and wealth is not inclusive of people around you, then it is a personal desire. Sannyasi can be a monk or a householder, man or a woman. There are no discriminating qualities of caste, race, gender, status apart from the defining quality of service and love in the heart. Kāryam in this verse refers to material duty as a service and Karma to meditative action with devotion. One who is not feeling the fire of renunciation (nirāgni) – a strong desire to sacrifice selfish desires and perform worldly duties for everyone’s welfare, is not a sannyasi. Similarly, one who is not meditating on the flame of God with a burning thought of overcoming personal instincts and habits cannot be called a yogi. Performing outward duties selflessly and inward meditation to feel the presence of God elevates a person to become both sannyasi and a yogi.