Verse 6-26

यतो यतो निश्चरति मनश्चञ्चलमस्थिरम् |

ततस्ततो नियम्यैतदात्मन्येव वशं नयेत् || 26 ||

“Whenever the mind becomes restless and unsteady, one should restrain with control and continuously focus it on God.”

Commentary: This verse highlights the importance of controlling the wandering mind, which is often restless and unsteady. Keeping one constant thought above all thoughts is the key to success.

Mind has a tendency to drift away toward situations that it strongly likes or dislikes. Strong memories – positive or negative and the related likes or dislikes are persistently stored in the hard drive of the brain. These strong feelings of likes and dislikes arise frequently. Formal education helps to control the mind to a certain extent but the projections of sensory experiences are too subtle and restless to control.

To withdraw the mind, two things are important – Will and Attention. The power of Will reiterates the same thought continuously and it brings the power of attention to that single thought. Repeating and affirming the desire to unite with the soul, the divine power of will in the devotee struggles with the restless nature of the mind. As the film of the mind rolls, projecting from the five senses on the dark screen behind closed eyes, the mighty Will of the devotee goes in the opposite direction trying to calm the sensory projections.

By practicing self-discipline one can gradually gain mastery over the mind, bring it under control and focus it on God.