Verse 8-6

यं यं वापि स्मरन्भावं त्यजत्यन्ते कलेवरम् |

तं तमेवैति कौन्तेय सदा तद्भावभावित: || 6 ||

“Whatever form of being one remembers at the time of death, O Arjuna, that alone is attained, being always absorbed in that nature.” 

Commentary: Lord Krishna explains that whatever form or being an individual remembers or thinks of intensely at the time of death, they attain that form or nature. The state of consciousness and focus during the final moments determines the future course of existence.

The consciousness and thoughts at the last breath have a profound impact on the subsequent journey of the soul. The verse conveys the idea that the mind is powerful and can shape one’s destiny. It emphasizes the significance of cultivating a spiritual consciousness throughout one’s life. By consistently absorbing the mind in the contemplation and remembrance of the divine, one establishes a deep connection with that form or nature. At the time of death, the mind naturally gravitates towards the object of its constant contemplation.

Spiritual practices, such as meditation, chanting, or focusing on a particular deity or form of the divine have significance. They create a deep impression in the mind, shaping the consciousness and paving the way for a spiritual journey even after leaving the body.