Verse 9-11

अवजानन्ति मां मूढा मानुषीं तनुमाश्रितम् |

परं भावमजानन्तो मम भूतमहेश्वरम् || 11 ||

“Deluded by the external appearances of my human form, foolish people disregard Me, who is of transcendental nature and the supreme controller of all beings.”


Lord Krishna laments the ignorance of those who fail to recognize His true nature and supreme position. He refers to them as “moodha,” ignorant individuals, who by their attachment to the external form of His human-like appearance, fail to perceive His divine nature and the extent of His power and control.

Lord Krishna emphasizes that He is not merely an ordinary human being but is, in fact, the supreme Spirit. His true nature transcends the limitations of human form and is beyond the comprehension of ordinary perception. However, due to lack of spiritual understanding, individuals remain unaware of His divine essence and continue to perceive Him as an ordinary person.

The term “param bhavam” refers to His transcendental nature and supreme existence. Lord Krishna is the ultimate source and sustainer of all creation. He is the supreme controller (Maheshwaram) who governs and orchestrates the entire universe.

Only through spiritual insight and knowledge can one recognize and appreciate His supreme existence and authority.