Verse 10-18

विस्तरेणात्मनो योगं विभूतिं च जनार्दन |

भूय: कथय तृप्तिर्हि शृण्वतो नास्ति मेऽमृतम् || 18 ||

“Please explain to me again in detail Your divine powers and glories, O Janardana (Krishna). For, I am never satiated by hearing about Your immortal manifestations.”

Arjuna expresses his desire for a more elaborate explanation from Lord Krishna regarding His divine powers and manifestations. He addresses Krishna as “Janardana,” which is one of His names meaning “the sustainer and supporter of all beings.” Arjuna acknowledges that hearing about the divine manifestations of Krishna is an inexhaustible source of fulfillment and spiritual nourishment.

Despite having heard about the Lord’s glories before, Arjuna seeks to hear them again and in greater detail. He expresses his insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding of Krishna’s divine manifestations. Arjuna recognizes that the divine manifestations of Krishna are endless and that there is always more to learn and explore.

This verse reflects the attitude of a sincere seeker who remains eager to deepen their understanding and experience of the divine. Arjuna’s desire to hear about Krishna’s divine glories is not driven by mere curiosity, but by a genuine spiritual hunger and longing to connect with the divine.

Arjuna’s request also highlights the infinite nature of the Supreme Being. No matter how much one learns or hears about the divine, it is never enough to fully comprehend the immensity and vastness of the divine manifestations. The divine is like an inexhaustible source of nectar that continuously nourishes and satisfies the spiritual seeker.

In response to Arjuna’s request, Lord Krishna proceeds to reveal more of His divine glories and manifestations in subsequent chapters of the Bhagavad Gita. His teachings provide a deeper understanding of His divine nature and offer spiritual wisdom that guides Arjuna and all sincere seekers on their spiritual journey.

This verse emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, contemplation, and devotion in the pursuit of spiritual growth. It teaches us that the divine manifestations are boundless and that the thirst for spiritual knowledge and connection should always remain alive within us.