Verse 10-41

यद्यद्विभूतिमत्सत्त्वं श्रीमदूर्जितमेव वा |

तत्देवावगच्छ त्वं मम तेजोंऽशसम्भवम् || 41 ||

“Know that whatever possesses power, brilliance, or extraordinary attributes, it arises from a mere spark of My splendor.” 


Lord Krishna instructs Arjuna to recognize that any form of power, greatness, or extraordinary qualities observed in beings and objects are only a minuscule reflection of His own divine radiance. The Supreme Being’s infinite and divine splendor gives rise to the various manifestations and attributes found in the world.


Lord Krishna uses the term “विभूतिमत्सत्त्वं” (vibhūtimat sattvam) to refer to the beings or objects that possess exceptional qualities or powers. It could be individuals endowed with remarkable talents, majestic phenomena in nature, or any extraordinary aspect of creation. He emphasizes that these manifestations of power and brilliance are derived from a small portion or a mere spark of His own immeasurable divine radiance.


The verse implies that everything in existence, no matter how grand or awe-inspiring, is ultimately a manifestation of the Supreme Being’s divine energy and splendor. It encourages individuals to recognize and acknowledge the divine presence in all aspects of life. By understanding the divine origin of these extraordinary qualities, one can develop a deeper sense of connection and reverence towards the Supreme Being.


Furthermore, the verse conveys the message that the true essence and nature of these manifestations can be realized by perceiving their divine source. It encourages individuals to seek a higher understanding beyond the surface appearance and recognize the underlying divinity that permeates all things.


By acknowledging the divine origin of extraordinary qualities and powers, one can develop a sense of humility, gratitude, and reverence. It inspires individuals to cultivate a deeper spiritual awareness and strive for a closer relationship with the Supreme Being, whose divine splendor surpasses all manifestations in the world.