अहं सर्वस्य प्रभवो मत्त: सर्वं प्रवर्तते | इति मत्वा भजन्ते मां बुधा भावसमन्विता: || 8 || |
Lord Krishna declares Himself as the ultimate source and origin of all beings and asserts that everything in the universe emanates from Him. He emphasizes that the wise individuals who possess deep spiritual insight and understanding worship Him with a mind filled with devotion and love. They recognize His divine nature and acknowledge His supreme position as the underlying essence of all existence.
The verse highlights the concept of divine omnipresence and the interconnectedness of all creation. It encourages individuals to cultivate a profound awareness of the divine presence in all aspects of life and to engage in devotional practices with a sincere and focused mind.
By recognizing the divine origin and essence of all beings, one can develop a sense of unity, reverence, and devotion towards the Supreme. This understanding leads to a deeper spiritual connection and facilitates the path of self-realization and liberation.