Verse 14-2

इदं ज्ञानमुपाश्रित्य मम साधर्म्यमागता: |

सर्गेऽपि नोपजायन्ते प्रलये न व्यथन्ति च || 2 ||

“Taking refuge in this knowledge, they attain My nature. Even at the time of creation, they are not born, and at the time of dissolution, they are not disturbed.” 

Commentary Lord Krishna further emphasizes the timeless nature of those who have attained this knowledge. They transcend the limitations of the material realm and remain unaffected by the fluctuations of the world. Those who embrace this spiritual knowledge and understand its essence come to embody His divine qualities.

The verse inspires individuals to seek and embrace transformative knowledge, recognizing its power to liberate them from suffering and grant them a state of everlasting serenity and unity with the Divine. It instills confidence in the eternal nature of the spiritual path and the profound impact it has on one’s existence.