Verse 15-10

उत्क्रामन्तं स्थितं वापि भुञ्जानं वा गुणान्वितम् |

विमूढा नानुपश्यन्ति पश्यन्ति ज्ञानचक्षुष: || 10 ||

“Those lacking wisdom fail to perceive the soul’s presence within the body, its engagement with sensory experiences, and its departure upon death. However, those enlightened with knowledge can truly witness the soul in all its manifestations.”


This verse highlights the contrast between the perception of the ignorant and those who possess spiritual wisdom regarding the nature of the soul.


It states that the ignorant individuals, lacking spiritual insight, are unable to perceive the presence of the soul within the body. They are unaware of its existence and its connection to the physical form. They fail to recognize the soul’s engagement with the objects of the senses, as it experiences the world through various sensations.


The ignorant are also incapable of perceiving the soul’s departure from the body. When the soul separates from the physical form, they remain unaware of its transition or the process of death.


In contrast, those who possess the “jnāna-chakshu,” the eyes of knowledge, have a deeper understanding. They can perceive the presence of the soul within the body, recognizing its distinct existence beyond the physical elements. They also comprehend the soul’s interaction with the sensory world, understanding that it is the experiencer of sensations.


Additionally, those with spiritual wisdom can perceive the soul’s departure from the body, witnessing its transition from one state of being to another. Their developed insight allows them to comprehend the eternal nature of the soul, separate from the temporary physical form.


This verse emphasizes the significance of spiritual knowledge and awareness in perceiving the true essence of the soul. While the ignorant remain unaware of the soul’s presence, activities, and departure, those with spiritual wisdom can behold and understand its existence and transcendental nature.