Verse 17-13

विधिहीनमसृष्टान्नं मन्त्रहीनमदक्षिणम् |

श्रद्धाविरहितं यज्ञं तामसं परिचक्षते || 13 ||

“That sacrifice which is disregarded by scriptural injunctions and in which no spiritual food is distributed, no hymns are chanted, and no remunerations are made to the priests, and which is devoid of faith, is considered to be in the mode of ignorance.”


This verse describes the characteristics of a Tamasic (mode of ignorance) sacrifice or ritual. It states that such a sacrifice is performed without following the prescribed scriptural guidelines or rules. The person conducting the sacrifice does not offer spiritual or sanctified food to the participants, nor do they chant Vedic hymns or mantras. Additionally, they fail to provide appropriate remunerations or offerings to the priests or those involved in the ritual. The absence of faith or devotion characterizes such a Tamasic sacrifice.


The verse suggests that a Tamasic individual may engage in rituals without proper understanding or adherence to the spiritual principles outlined in the scriptures. Their actions lack the necessary reverence, knowledge, and devotion required for a meaningful and transformative ritual experience. The ritual becomes devoid of spirituality and is performed mechanically or out of ignorance.


This verse underscores the significance of following scriptural guidelines, offering devotion, and performing rituals with sincerity and knowledge. It highlights that a Tamasic sacrifice, devoid of proper observances, faith, and understanding, lacks spiritual merit and fails to uplift the consciousness of the participants.