धूमेनाव्रियते वह्निर्यथादर्शो मलेन च | यथोल्बेनावृतो गर्भस्तथा तेनेदमावृतम् || 38|| |
Lord Krishna says that wisdom is hidden and covered by desire. Great prophets like Krishna, Gautama Buddha and many others take birth to unravel this wisdom to those who have eyes to observe and ears to listen. God does not wish the secrets of his creation strewn on the barren and curious minds of people who are not sincere to work hard and strive for self-realization. Man has to walk through the smoke of delusion to see the fiery light of the soul, remove the dust of attachments and repulsions on the mirror of his mind to see the reflection of the world in himself and patiently wait for a long time for the birth of his own realization.
Wisdom is hidden behind the gross material desires. This wisdom is an experience not a concept or idea for the devotee to blindly believe with reverence, interpret to his comfort and follow as per his convenience. The door to wisdom will open to a sincere practitioner. Life is Kurukshetra that has to be won sooner or later. Success depends entirely on the devotee’s devotion. Patanjali in Yoga Sutras says the devotee needs to have ‘Theevra Samvega’ – intense conviction and enthusiasm to practice. When the devotee peels the rust of desires, the three gunas will fall away and the diamond of wisdom shining everywhere will be revealed.