न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते | तत्स्वयं योगसंसिद्ध: कालेनात्मनि विन्दति || 38 || |
“Nothing in this world is as purifying as wisdom. In due course of time, the devotee who is successful in yoga will spontaneously realize this within his Self.”
Lord Krishna asserts that there is nothing in the world that is as purifying and satisfying than the experience of wisdom – the singular Truth about our true origin and destination. As the cycle of life progresses from birth to death, we are expected to extinguish good and bad karma. This one lesson is key to avoiding thousands of rebirths with cycles of happiness and pain.
The world as we know is a labeled world – names that are assigned to people, things, places, thoughts, feelings etc. We use these labels as references to converse and express ourselves. However the yogi who silences all the external labels and immerses in the silent vibratory intelligence within the heart, gains wisdom. Matter or energy alone cannot arrange itself into an orderly fashion. It requires intelligence to drive and manage the chaotic manifestations. The devotee who practices yoga ultimately finds the source of this vibration and intelligence operating equally in everyone.