कायेन मनसा बुद्ध्या केवलैरिन्द्रियैरपि | योगिन: कर्म कुर्वन्ति सङ्गं त्यक्त्वात्मशुद्धये || 11 || |
“The yogis give up attachment and perform actions with their body, senses, mind, and intellect, only for the purpose of self-purification”
Commentary :
The purest diamond does not have any blemish in it. Similarly, the purest person does not have any trace of ego. This does not mean his sense of identity is lost but it becomes all-inclusive of every other life around. Sense of identity expands from his small self to his family, friends and society. Their happiness is his happiness and their suffering is his suffering. In such a larger consciousness of inclusion, he uses his body, mind and intellect to serve mankind as if he is serving God.
Metaphysically, to reclaim their original and eternal nature, yogis burn their karma or the burden of residual desires by working through body, mind, senses and intellect. They overcome or avoid new material desires through God contact.
In a non-corporeal form, when a being carries desires from previous births, it has to live out the experience of fulfillment of such desires. Just as we take out a financial loan to experience desires like a home or a vehicle, we also embark on a similar transaction with Nature to fulfill our material desires. In this exchange, Nature grants us temporary possession of a physical body – a loan, if you will – through which we fulfill our desires. Indulging in desires gradually repays our debt to Nature, but with a cost: a part of our physical being is relinquished to Nature with each fulfillment. This constant exchange, known as aging, signifies a journey towards purification, where desires lose their grip.
During this process of purification, the body moves closer to its non-existence in the movement of time. The allure of material desires wanes, paving the way for a deeper understanding of our true nature. As we shed the layers of desire-driven existence, our physical form moves ever closer to its eventual dissolution and a profound transformation – a journey from the pursuit of fleeting desires to a state of inner fulfillment and spiritual realization.
Understanding the recurring nature of desires, wise devotees avoid the cycle of births through yogic purification.