Verse 5-25

लभन्ते ब्रह्मनिर्वाणमृषय: क्षीणकल्मषा: |

छिन्नद्वैधा यतात्मान: सर्वभूतहिते रता: || 25 ||

“Those rishis attain liberation from material existence, whose sins have been purged, whose doubts are removed, whose senses are disciplined, and who rejoice in contributing to the welfare of all beings.”

Commentary : Saintly people have a tremendous effect on one’s consciousness. Their spiritual aura has the power to cleanse the consciousness of strong karmic patterns from the roots and grooves of the brain. Why are people drawn naturally to certain thoughts and feelings? Every person has a home state of heart. This means when survival is taken care of with the necessary material comforts, every person’s heart is automatically drawn to a specific subject of interest. When you are calm and quiet, your heart naturally drifts to a subject and your mind gets immersed into those thoughts and feelings. As the mind is fed more and more on the subject, the heart gets attached to it like a magnet. These attachments create impressions in the memory cells that define an overarching quality of life. For example, you love the food prepared by your mother because the mind and heart have become attached to the satisfaction derived from such food fed with love over many years. Similarly, the karmic pattern of likes and dislikes are developed over many years based on the quality of information fed to the mind and heart. For enlightened beings, liberation is achieved through a process of purification and spiritual evolution. Central to this journey is the purification of the soul from the effects of past actions, known as karma, which are often referred to as “sins”. Through acts of selflessness, devotion, and righteous living, the rishis diligently work to cleanse themselves of karmic burdens, thus paving the way for spiritual emancipation. Doubt can be a significant obstacle on the path to liberation, hindering one’s ability to fully surrender to divine wisdom and guidance. Through profound contemplation, study of scripture, and guidance from enlightened teachers, the rishis endeavor to attain clarity of vision and unwavering faith in the eternal truths of existence. By mastering their senses through ascetic practices, meditation, and self-discipline, the rishis attain a state of inner balance and detachment from worldly distractions. This inner control enables them to focus their energies on spiritual pursuits and align themselves with the divine will. The rishis find fulfillment and joy in selflessly serving the welfare of all beings. Their enlightened consciousness recognizes the interconnectedness of all life and the inherent divinity within each being. Through acts of compassion, kindness, and altruism, the rishis contribute to the upliftment and welfare of humanity, embodying the highest ideals of love and service.