योऽन्त:सुखोऽन्तरारामस्तथान्तज्र्योतिरेव य: । स योगी ब्रह्मनिर्वाणं ब्रह्मभूतोऽधिगच्छति ।। 24 ।। |
“Only the yogi who is happy within his Self, enjoying the bliss of God and is illumined by the inner light, attains liberation from material existence.”
Commentary : Many realized saints have described God as the embodiment of perfection, bliss, light or other supreme quality. When the yogi experiences God within, he finds the bliss (antaḥ-sukhaḥ) of his own soul in complete peace (antaḥ-ārāmaḥ), reflected in the divine light (antaḥ-jyotiḥ).
From the invisible and unmanifest state, the darkness of our mind produces desires and these desires take outward form when we make effort. A building arises from a vacant land because our mind has been producing blueprints out of nothingness and making effort. Similarly, from an invisible and unmanifest state, God is producing tangible universes and planets. This state of Being at cosmic level is called Spirit or God, and referred as the soul at the micro-cosmic level of human being. The basis of the soul’s existence is Spirit. When a soul recognizes this foundation experientially, the consciousness of such a soul that has taken the form of a gender-specific human then experiences perfect bliss, peace and true self-identity.