Verse 8-14

अनन्यचेता: सततं यो मां स्मरति नित्यश: |

तस्याहं सुलभ: पार्थ नित्ययुक्तस्य योगिन: || 14 ||

“O Arjuna, for those yogis who constantly contemplate on Me with unwavering devotion, I am easily reachable, as their minds remain absorbed in Me.”

Commentary: Lord Kirshna explains the accessibility and availability of His divine presence to the one who has the quality of focusing on Him with ‘ananya-chetāḥ’, an undivided mind (chetāḥ) without any other distraction (ananya).

The human brain functions as a unified system with interdependent parts, showcasing layered consciousness. The conscious part of the brain is in a constant state of learning and self-reflection. The Greek word “Anthropos,” signifies this pursuit of higher learning and knowledge. To learn, one must overcome distractions, and this requires conscious effort to detach from the ego’s pull and focus on the task at hand, whether it is work, meditation, or any other activity. Self-awareness, a crucial layer of metacognitive ability, involves perceiving internal thoughts, emotions, and effects of external stimuli through the senses. Individuals who can develop a high level of self-awareness to solely direct it towards the Supreme source can feel divine grace.

If a yogi constantly remembers God with exclusive devotion, then God becomes easily attainable to that yogi. This verse encourages individuals to cultivate an unwavering devotion and constant remembrance of the Divine.