पुरुष: स पर: पार्थ भक्त्या लभ्यस्त्वनन्यया | यस्यान्त:स्थानि भूतानि येन सर्वमिदं ततम् || 22 || |
“The Supreme Divine is greater than all that exists. Although He is all-pervading and all living beings are in Him, yet He can be known only through devotion.”
Commentary: Lord Krishna describes His omnipresence and the means of attaining Him.
All beings reside in God and everything in this world is pervaded by the Divine presence. The Supreme Being is the substratum of existence, the source and sustainer of all creation. By recognizing His indwelling presence within oneself and in all beings, one develops a sense of unity and interconnectedness with the entire universe. This understanding leads to a shift in perspective, enabling one to see the divine essence in all manifestations of life.
Although everything in the universe belongs to God, He does not have human love which can be given only by free will. The tragedy of the human heart is that, until it stops beating, it is preoccupied with temporary material desires, attachments and love for money, power and many other ephemeral things. If only the heart knew the possibility of immortal joy! The omnipotent God, who effortlessly orchestrates the movements of a million stars and countless galaxies through His Divine Will, refrains from forcing or demanding love from humans. He recognizes that genuine love comes from voluntary choice. It is solely through a deliberate, conscious, and proactive choice of cultivating and offering devotion that one can establish a deep connection with the Divine.
The words “devotee” and “disciple” find their linguistic roots in the concepts of devotion and discipline, respectively. The symbiotic relationship between devotion and discipline suggests that true spiritual growth often requires a passionate, heart-centered connection with the Divine, as well as a disciplined, structured approach to gradually understand the teachings and principles associated with that holy connection.
Devotion is not just a word but it is a way of life, a commitment to something higher than oneself. To be devoted is to be dedicated, unwavering in one’s commitment to the path of the heart. It is not a tedious duty but a celebration of the sacred in everything that is ordinary. It transcends the boundaries of mere ritualistic observance and extends into the realm of deep spiritual communion.
Therefore, by consciously cultivating sincere devotion and recognizing the Divine presence everywhere, one can attain union with the Supreme Being.