श्रीभगवानुवाच | इदं शरीरं कौन्तेय क्षेत्रमित्यभिधीयते | एतद्यो वेत्ति तं प्राहु: क्षेत्रज्ञ इति तद्विद: || 2 || |
The Supreme Lord said, “O son of Kunti, this physical body is referred to as the field (kshetra). One who understands this truth is called the knower of the field (kshetrajna) by the wise.”
In response to Arjuna’s inquiry, Lord Krishna explains that the physical body is the field (kshetra) in which various experiences and actions take place. It is the domain in which the interactions of Prakriti (intelligent Mother Nature) and Purusha (transcendental God as Father) occur.
Knower of the field (kshetrajna) is one who possesses the understanding that he is distinct from the physical body. He recognizes his self as the conscious being inhabiting the body and is aware of the workings of Prakriti and Purusha within the field. He comprehends the eternal and unchanging nature of the soul beyond the transient nature of the body.
By differentiating between the field (kshetra) and the knower of the field (kshetrajna), Lord Krishna emphasizes the importance of self-realization and spiritual wisdom. The wise individuals who understand this distinction are regarded as the true knowers of the field.