Verse 13-26

अन्ये त्वेवमजानन्त: श्रुत्वान्येभ्य उपासते |

तेऽपि चातितरन्त्येव मृत्युं श्रुतिपरायणा: || 26 ||

“However, some, not understanding in this way, listen from others and worship accordingly. They too, being devoted to hearing from others, transcend death.” 

Commentary: There are individuals who may not have direct knowledge or understanding of the true nature of the soul but rely on the teachings and guidance of others. These individuals listen to spiritual teachings, scriptures, and the experiences shared by others and engage in worship based on that knowledge. Despite their limited understanding, their sincere devotion to hearing and learning helps them transcend the cycle of birth and death.

The verse emphasizes the importance of faith and trust in the words of wise and knowledgeable individuals. By sincerely listening and following the instructions provided by those who have realized the truth, even those who lack direct knowledge can still make progress on the spiritual path.

The Lord highlights the significance of being receptive to spiritual wisdom and teachings, as well as the transformative power of hearing and learning from reliable sources. Not everyone may have immediate realization or deep understanding of spiritual truths. There are different levels of spiritual progress and that sincere devotion to learning and following the guidance of wise teachers can gradually lead to spiritual advancement and liberation from the cycle of birth and death.