Verse 18-12

अनिष्टमिष्टं मिश्रं च त्रिविधं कर्मण: फलम् |

भवत्यत्यागिनां प्रेत्य न तु सन्न्यासिनां क्वचित् || 12 ||

“Actions are of three kinds – desirable, undesirable, and mixed. The results of these actions accrue to those even after death for those who seek personal reward, for those who renounce the fruits of their actions, there are no such results here or hereafter.” 


This verse highlights the consequences of actions and the difference between those who are attached to personal rewards and those who renounce them. It states that the fruits of actions, whether pleasant, unpleasant, or mixed, continue to manifest even after death for those who remain attached to the outcomes of their deeds. However, for those who renounce the fruits of their actions, there are no such results in this life or the afterlife.


When individuals perform actions with the sole intention of personal gain or reward, they become bound by the cycle of cause and effect. They experience the effects of their actions, which can be either pleasurable or painful, in this life or in future lives. Their attachment to the fruits of their actions perpetuates their involvement in the karmic cycle, and they remain entangled in the web of desires and expectations.


On the other hand, those who choose to renounce the fruits of their actions detach themselves from the outcomes. They perform their duties selflessly, without seeking personal gains or rewards. By relinquishing attachment to the results, they transcend the realm of karma and break free from the cycle of cause and effect. As a result, they are no longer subject to the consequences of their actions, neither in the present life nor in the afterlife.


This verse emphasizes the importance of cultivating a spirit of renunciation, where one performs their duties without being driven by personal desires or expectations. By practicing detachment from the fruits of their actions, individuals can attain a state of freedom from the karmic bonds and experience a sense of liberation and inner peace.