Verse 7-12

ये चैव सात्त्विका भावा राजसास्तामसाश्च ये |

मत्त एवेति तान्विद्धि न त्वहं तेषु ते मयि || 12 ||

“Know that all states of being, in good, active and ignorant modes, are manifested from Me alone. Yet I am not in them; they are in Me.” 

Commentary: Lord Krishna explains the different modes of material nature and their relationship to Him. All states of being, whether characterized by goodness (sattva), activity (rajas), or ignorance (tamas), are emanations from Him. The modes of material nature influence and shape the behavior, thoughts, and qualities of living beings.

However, Lord Krishna clarifies that although these modes are derived from Him, He is not affected or influenced by them. He transcends the modes of material nature and remains separate from them. He is the ultimate source and sustainer of all existence, but He is beyond the influence of the material modes.

By stating “Mattah eveti tan viddhi,” Lord Krishna emphasizes that these modes exist within Him, but He is not confined or limited by them. He is beyond the material realm and the modes that govern it. The modes of material nature, being under His divine arrangement, interact and influence the living entities, but He, as the supreme consciousness, remains unaffected and untouched by them.

Without the pleasures, excitements, and the pains inherent in the three modes, this world would be meaningless. This knowledge helps us realize the divine nature of Lord Krishna and encourages us to seek a higher spiritual realm to break free from the fluctuations and limitations of the material modes.