Verse 7-16

चतुर्विधा भजन्ते मां जना: सुकृतिनोऽर्जुन |

आर्तो जिज्ञासुरर्थार्थी ज्ञानी च भरतर्षभ || 16 ||

“O Arjuna, four kinds of pious individuals engage in my devotional service – the distressed, the seekers of knowledge, the seekers of wealth, and the wise.”

Commentary: Lord Krishna describes four types of people who worship Him. These individuals are categorized based on their motivations and aspirations.

The Distressed (ārtaḥ): These people are undergoing various forms of distress, such as physical, emotional, or material sufferings. In their pain and suffering, they turn to the Lord seeking relief and solace. Their devotion arises from their need for help and protection in times of difficulty.

The Seekers of Knowledge (jijñāsuḥ): These individuals have a thirst for knowledge and a desire to understand the deeper aspects of life and spirituality. They approach the Lord with a sincere curiosity to gain insight, wisdom, and spiritual understanding. Their devotion stems from their quest for knowledge and spiritual enlightenment.

The Seekers of Wealth (artha-arthī): This category includes those who are motivated by material gains, success, and prosperity. They approach the Lord with the aim of fulfilling their material desires, seeking blessings for wealth, and achieving worldly goals. Their devotion arises from their desire for material well-being and prosperity.

The Wise (jñānī): The wise refers to those individuals who have attained spiritual wisdom and self-realization. They already possess deep insight into the nature of the self and the Supreme. Their devotion is rooted in their profound understanding of the eternal truth and their realization of the divine presence within themselves and all beings.

Lord Krishna emphasizes that these four categories of people engage in devotional service to Him. Though their motivations may differ, their common thread is their inclination toward spirituality and their recognition of the divine. It is through their devotion and engagement in the Lord’s service that they gradually progress on the path of spiritual growth, leading to the goal of self-realization and union with the Supreme.