Chapter 17



Verse 1

Arjuna asked: “Those who, discarding the scriptural injunctions, perform sacrifices with faith, what is their condition, O Krishna? Is it of goodness, passion, or ignorance?”

Verse 2

The Supreme Lord said: “The faith of embodied beings is of three kinds, according to their innate nature. It is classified as sattvic (mode of goodness), rajasic (mode of passion), and tamasic (mode of ignorance). Now hear about them.”

Verse 3

“O Arjuna, the faith of all beings is according to their nature. A person is made up of his faith, and he is indeed what his faith is.”

Verse 4

“Those with sattvic qualities worship the celestial deities, those with rajasic qualities worship the demi-gods and demons, and those with tamasic qualities worship ghosts and spirits.”

Verse 5

Verse 6

“Those people who perform severe penances contrary to the scriptures, driven by false pride, ego, and the strength of their desires, they torture the elements within their own bodies and Me who dwells within the body. Know them to be of demonic tendencies.”

Verse 7

“Food, sacrifice, austerity, and charity, all these are of three kinds. Hear about their distinctions.”

Verse 8

“The foods that increase life, purify one's existence, give strength, health, happiness, and satisfaction are of a pure nature, juicy, fatty, wholesome, and pleasing to the heart.”

Verse 9

“Foods that are too bitter, too sour, salty, very hot, pungent, dry, and full of chillies, are dear to persons in the mode of passion. Such foods produce pain, grief, and disease.”

Verse 10

“Leftover, stale, impure, and putrid food, as well as food that lacks essential nutrients, is considered Tamasic.”

Verse 11

"Of sacrifices, that sacrifice performed according to the scriptural injunctions, with no expectation of reward, with the firm conviction that it is a duty, is considered as in the mode of goodness."

Verse 12

"But that sacrifice which is offered for some material benefit or with a desire for fruitive results, as also the one performed with ostentation, know that to be in the mode of passion, O best of the Bharatas."

Verse 13

"That sacrifice which is disregarded by scriptural injunctions and in which no spiritual food is distributed, no hymns are chanted, and no remunerations are made to the priests, and which is devoid of faith, is considered to be in the mode of ignorance.

Verse 14

"Worship of the gods, the twice-born, the teachers, and the wise; purity, straightforwardness, celibacy, and non-violence—these are called the austerities of the body."

Verse 15

"Austerity of speech consists in speaking words that are truthful, pleasing, beneficial, and not agitating, as well as regularly reciting Vedic literature."

Verse 16

"Serenity of mind, gentleness, silence, self-control, and purity of thought—these are the austerities of the mind."

Verse 17

"Threefold is the austerity practiced with faith by men of firm vows, who desire no fruit: purification of one's own mind and body, speech that causes no distress, and study of the self and scriptures."

Verse 18

"Acts of sacrifice, charity, and penance performed with expectation of rewards, O Arjuna, are said to be in the mode of passion, unstable and impermanent."

Verse 19

"That austerity is said to be in the mode of ignorance which is performed with foolish understanding, with self-torture, or for the purpose of destroying or injuring others."

Verse 20

"That gift which is given without expectation of return, with the right person, at the right place and time, is considered to be in the mode of goodness."

Verse 21

"But that gift which is given with the expectation of something in return, or with a desire for reward, or again, with reluctance, is considered to be in the mode of passion."

Verse 22

"But that gift which is given at the wrong place and time, to unworthy persons, without proper respect, or with no regard for spiritual principles, is said to be in the mode of ignorance."

Verse 23

“The sacred phrase "Om Tat Sat" has been proclaimed as the triple expression of the Supreme Absolute Truth known as Brāhman. Through the power of this mantra, the creation of the Brahmins, the Vedas, and the Sacrifices took place at the dawn of time.”

Verse 24

“Therefore, the performance of sacrificial acts, charitable deeds, and austerities, as prescribed by the scriptures, is always initiated with the utterance of "Om," by those who constantly uphold the teachings of Brāhman.”

Verse 25

“Those who aspire for liberation perform acts of sacrifice, austerity, and charity without any expectation of personal gain, solely upon uttering the word "Tat."”

Verse 26

Verse 27

“In acts of goodness, in acts of virtue, and in acts of sacrifice, the word "Sat" is used. Similarly, the word "Sat" is used to describe praiseworthy actions. “

Verse 28

“O Partha, whatever is offered as sacrifice, given as charity, performed as austerity, without faith, it is called "Asat." It is neither beneficial in this life nor in the next.”